Discover 10 Black and White Chicken Breeds

Chickens are also one of the most favored livestock to rear, provided that one has a small plot of land, a farm, or even a yard.
They are social birds and a delight to have around but are dual-purpose birds that offer both eggs as well as meat.
There are numerous breeds of the animal in many regions of the globe, and some are more common than others; they come in a lot of colors and patterns.
But have you ever asked yourself which are the black and white chicken breeds? Keep reading to find out some of the most beautiful birds I’ve found!
Here are Top 10 Black and white chicken Breed
1. Light Sussex
Sussex chickens are good layers and the breeder can get up to 300 eggs per year from the bird.
The Light Sussex chicken, a bird developed for both meat and egg production, is at the top of my list of poultry breeds hailing from the county of Sussex in England.
Mostly, calm birds are known to be friendly and easygoing, making them suitable for people who have never owned poultry before.
It also has black or white colored feathers around its neck area, which is called a hackle. Sussex chickens are excellent layers and consistently lay between 240 and 260 large light-brown eggs a year.
Mostly, friendly and easygoing birds are known to be calm, making them suitable for people who have never owned poultry before.
2. Plymouth Rock
The next black and white chicken breed is the Plymouth Rock, the oldest of the American colony stock.
Plymouth rocks are giant birds that have a liking for a weight of approximately seven pounds. They are very attractive fish species and they have black and white bars kinds of bar.
Males tend to sport equal proportions of black and white; every feather’s terminus is black.
However, females, unlike males have wider black bars than white ones.
Plymouth rocks are light-feeting gentle birds proving to be great for a first-time poultry farmer. They are also good for egg production to the extent of laying up to 200 large brown eggs per calendar year, and therefore dual-purpose birds.
3. Brahma
Brahma chicken is a type of chicken that is genetically one of the largest breeds in the world.
Yet, the Brahma chicken is among the largest chicken breeds you are ever likely to come across.
Photos added to the descriptions are borrowed from Shutterstock under the username Yuriy Bartenev.
Among poultry listed above the largest one is Brahma chicken, hens of which may reach 10 lbs, cockerels – 12 lbs.
They are also good layers, and hens can lay an average of 3-4 eggs per week – 200 large medium-brown eggs per year.
It is a subject of three color forms — light, dark, and buff and of these two are black and white. The light variant has the most white color with a black base color with the rest of the body being white.
They also have black hackles and in their appearance do not differ much from the light Sussex. The black type is much darker, and hens are dark grey in coloration with black plumage that is fringed with white lines.
Nevertheless, as to coloring, the male black watercock has black plumage with silver on the tail, hackles, and shoulders. It also has a range of black and white feathers on the surface of the back.
4. Dominique
These birds are gentle and easily tamed and their fertility rate when it comes to hatching eggs is high.
One more beautiful bird is the Dominique chicken The next bird on the list is also an American breed.
Dominique chickens are pedigreed and have black and white barred patterns and bright red comb and wattles. They are medium-sized birds; hens: 4-5 lbs, cockerel: 7 lbs.
It is an invasion; double purpose breed that lays about 200 auction, large, dark brown eggs each year.
Dominique chickens exhibit docile behavior, are easily handled, and make good brooders. However, mature roosters, particularly when breeding, are known to be very aggressive.
5. Wyandotte
Another one in the series of black and white chickens is the silver-laced Wyandotte chicken.
Laced silver is the normal type of this animal and features silver to white plumage with abrupt black plumage margins.
They are very big birds and range in size from 6-9 pounds in weight. From the Bahamas and the Hamburg breeds to develop a good dual-purpose bird the breed was developed.
Libes are fairly sociable birds but are normally among the dominant groups as they do not permit other birds to dominate them.
6. Hamburg
First developed in Holland, the Hamburg chicken is a small bird similar to a show bird. The size of hamburgers is usually more than four to five pounds.
In regards to their look, there are several colors present hence they have a different color distinguishability.
But they have generally white background coloration with beautiful black dots with sizes varying according to color type.
Hamburgs are not as sociable as the birds on this list because they are aloof and are therefore not suitable for beginners in poultry farming. Hens produce 120 – 225 small to medium-sized white-shelled eggs per year.
7. Ancona
The Ancona chicken originated in the Marche province in central Italy in the nineteenth century and was later introduced into Great Britain.
Most Anconas have black feathers, but they also feature white spots. They also possess yellow legs, are mostly black with spots, and have a bright red comb.
Anconas are moderate birds weighing about six pounds and as many as good layers. They produce about 220 white medium large eggs per year but are not good layers when it comes to going broody.
8. Maran
The favorite among black and white chicken breeds is the Maran, a decent dual-purpose bird. They came from the region of France, close to Marans but were soon popular across Europe.
Many colors are currently recognized, and this depends on the country, although there is the cuckoo type.
It looks almost like the Dominique, but it has stunning bars of black and white on Cuckoo Marans.
Marans are not aggressive birds, and they are gentle birds to handle and are therefore recommended for new bird owners.
They will lay 200 or more extra large dark brown eggs per annum and will also be good mothers, without manifesting broodiness all the time.
10. California Gray
The California grey is a dual-purpose breed that was developed in the USA in the 1930s. They have the feel of black and white birds which are barred and weigh approximately 5 pounds.
They are good layers and indeed they lay about 300 large white eggs per year. California greys are friendly animals and there are not many problems with handling them.
They’re not very popular autosexual breeding and the APA never standardized them, so they are not widely prevalent.
Black and white chickens can be a glorious blend of beauty and functionality as a poultry keeper will attest.
Whether to find the most productive and hardy layers as California Gray or the docile dual-purpose birds as Plymouth Rock, these breeds add character and utility to your homestead.
For an exhaustive list of poultry breeds, the Dominique represents the most attractive pattern while the silver-laced Wyandotte appears the most elegant.
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